2021-09-24 16:01:22|已浏览:194次
Pratt Institute普瑞特艺术学院成立于1887年,是一所极具特色的艺术类院校。作为美国著名的艺术类院校之一,普瑞特艺术学院提供建筑、平面设计、艺术设计、工业设计、时装设计、珠宝设计、插图、室内设计、数字艺术、创意写作、历史、图书馆和信息科学等领域的教学和研究。其中,建筑设计系,工业设计系等享誉于美国。
在Best Regional Universities(North) 排名中排到第19位,是艺术类院校中少有的能在该排行中排到前20位的美国大学。Pratt Institute在2016年U.S.News&World Report《美国新闻与世界报道》的艺术学院排名中排名第9。其创作艺术硕士(M.F.A)学位在2016年美国best collage网站的25 best MFA programs in the country中排名第三。
Visual Portfolio: The visual portfolio should consist of 12-20 pieces of your best work. It should consist of a variety of media and approaches. It can include assignment-based projects, self-directed work or pieces of a collaborative nature. The portfolio does not need to be major-specific and can include any type of work including paintings, drawings, sculpture, ceramics, etc. In addition, students must submit three to five observational drawings. Examples of observational work include landscape, still-life, self-portrait, figure drawings, and interior spaces. Please do not include work that copies photographs, uses the grid system or directly replicates any other artist's work (including replicating anime drawings, cartoons, or video game character designs). Download the “Portfolio Advice” PDF at the bottom of this page under downloads for more information.
All portfolios (writing and visual) must be submitted at pratt.slideroom.com.
Submitting Your Portfolio: You must submit your portfolio at pratt.slideroom.com. You will be able to edit it online until you press the "submit" button, and you will receive immediate confirmation that we received your work. Your portfolio should be submitted no later than two weeks after the application deadline.
All submitted materials, including the portfolio, become the property of Pratt Institute. Portfolios submitted in any format other than Slideroom will not be returned or held for pickup. Do not email images to us; do not send CDs or slides. We do not review personal websites.
Admissions reviews done during National Portfolio Days or by appointment off-campus do not fulfill the applicant's visual requirement. They are for guidance only.
550 (paper), 79 (Internet) or 213 (computer)