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2021-10-08 18:52:10|已浏览:167次



卡内基梅陇大学近期提供HCI本科课程,开设HCI理学学位(B.S. in HCI),HCI的主要专业为学生提供了非常强的技术知识、技能和理解能力。此外,该专业的学生将拥有强大的计算机科学核心,包括编程、算法、系统和数学基础,就像SCS的其他本科专业一样。他们将专注于将人机交互的核心元素作为上级课程的主要关注点,并可以通过选修课更深入地探索大量的 HCI 主题。在最后的顶点项目课程中,他们将作为跨学科学生团队的一部分,为客户提出的问题制定创新的数字解决方案。


CS Core: 5 courses + freshman immigration course

Computing @ Carnegie Mellon: 3 units

Mathematics and Statistics: 4 courses

HCI Core: 6 courses

HCI Electives: 4 courses

HCI Capstone Project: 1 course

Free Electives: 4 courses

Science and Engineering: 4 courses

Humanities and Arts (Gen Ed): 7 courses



一)Computer Science Core (5 courses + immigration course)

The number of credits for each course is shown in square brackets. Please note that many courses have prerequisites or corequisites, documented in CMU’s course catalog.


Students with no background in programming must first take 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science [12].

Students with no prior experience with software tools (editors, scripting, code management, etc.) are encouraged to take 07-131: Great Practical Ideas in Computer Science concurrently with the 15-112 course. [CSD Curriculum]

Requirements (all):

07-128: Freshman Immigration Course [1]

15-122: Principles of Imperative Computation [10]

15-150: Principles of Functional Programming [10]

15-151: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science [10]

15-210: Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms [12]

15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems [12]

二)Mathematics and Statistics Core (4 courses)

Prerequisite: 21-120: Differential and Integral Calculus [10]


21-122: Integration and Approximation [10]

21-259: Calculus in Three Dimensions [9]

Select one of the following courses in Probability and Statistics:

15-259: Probability and Computing [12]

21-325: Probability [9]

36-218: Probability Theory for Computer Scientists [9]

36-225: Introduction to Probability Theory [9]

And one of the following courses:

15-251: Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science [12]

21-241: Matrices and Linear Transformations [10]

21-242: Matrix Theory [10]

36-226: Introduction to Statistical Inference [9]

36-326: Mathematical Statistics (Honors) [9]

36-401: Modern Regression [9]

三)HCI Core (6 courses)

Research and Evaluation (2 courses)

Required: 05-410: User-Centered Research and Evaluation [12]

Select one:

36-202: Statistics & Data Science Methods [9]

36-208: Regression Analysis [9]

36-315: Statistical Graphics and Visualization [9]

四)Ideation and Design (3 courses)

Both of the following courses:

05-651: Interaction Design Studio 1 [12]

05-650: Interaction Design Studio 2 [12]

And select one of:

05-452: Service Design [12]

05-470: Digital Service Innovation [12]

05-317: Design of AI Products and Services [12]


05-380: Prototyping Algorithmic Experiences [15]


Students in the HCI Major are required to take at least one course in Psychology, as specified below under Humanities and the Arts, Constrained Category 1: Cognition, Choice and Behavior.

Select one of the following courses:

85-211: Cognitive Psychology [9]

85-241: Social Psychology [9]

85-213: Human Information Processing and Artificial Intelligence [9]

85-251: Personality [9]

85-370: Perception [9]

85-390: Human Memory [9]

85-408: Visual Cognition [9]

85-421: Language and Thought [9]

88-120: Reason, Passion and Cognition [9]

五)HCI Electives (4 courses)

One of the electives should have strong DESIGN content, as do, for example, the following courses (other options will require approval from the program director):

05-317: Design of AI Products and Services

05-418: Design of Educational Games

05-470: Digital Service Innovation

05-499: Game Design Studio

15-465: Animation Art and Technology

One of the electives should have strong TECHNICAL content, as do, for example, the following courses (other options will require approval from the program director):

05-434: Machine Learning in Practice

05-436: Usable Privacy and Security

05-499: Human-AI Interaction

05-830: Advanced Topics in UI Software

05-833: Applied Gadgets, Sensors and Activity Recognition in HCI

05-839: Interactive Data Science

08-421: Building User-Focused Sensing Systems

10-315: Introduction to Machine Learning

11-411: Introduction to Natural Language Processing

15-281: Introduction to AI Representation and Problem Solving

15-365: Experimental Animation

15-388: Practical Data Science

15-462: Computer Graphics

15-464: Technical Animation

15-466: Computer Game Programming

15-494: Cognitive Robotics: The Future of Robot Toys

16-467: Human-Robot Interaction

17-428: Machine Learning and Sensing

17-437: Web Application Development

17-537: Artificial Intelligence Methods for Social Good

The remaining electives can be chosen from the above lists or from this pre-approved list of HCI electives. Other options will require approval from the program director.

六)HCI Capstone Project (1 course)

The Capstone will include significant technical communication skills including technical writing, oral presentation and visualization.

05-571: HCI Capstone Project

七)Science and Engineering (4 courses)

Four courses in the domain of science and engineering are required, of which at least one must have a laboratory component and at least two must be from the same department. These courses typically come from the Mellon College of Science and the College of Engineering (CIT). Courses with a primary focus on programming, computation or mathematics are not acceptable for science or engineering courses.

八)Humanities and Arts (7 courses)

These requirements follow those of the BSCS Humanities and Arts Requirements. Students are required to complete at least 63 units in the humanities and the arts (7 courses of at least 9 units each), divided into three main categories as follows.

Writing Requirement [9]

76-101: Interpretation and Argument [9]

Humanities and the Arts: Constrained Categories

The choices in this category are:

Category 1: Cognition, Choice and Behavior [9]

Category 2: Economic, Political and Social Institutions [9]

Category 3: Cultural Analysis [9]

The Psychology requirement of the HCI Core will be satisfied through the Constrained Category 1: Cognition, Choice and Behavior.

Select one of the following courses:

85-211: Cognitive Psychology [9]

85-241: Social Psychology [9]

85-213: Human Information Processing and Artificial Intelligence [9]

85-251: Personality [9]

85-370: Perception [9]

85-390: Human Memory [9]

85-408: Visual Cognition [9]

85-421: Language and Thought [9]

88-120: Reason, Passion and Cognition [9]

9)Humanities and the Arts: Electives

Three non-technical courses of at least 9 units each from any department in the Dietrich College or the College of Fine Arts (with additions and deletions noted on the web page listed above).

10)Free Electives (4 courses)

A free elective is any Carnegie Mellon course. However, a maximum of 9 units of Physical Education and/or Military Science (ROTC) and/or Student-Led (StuCo) courses may be used toward fulfilling graduation requirements. These could be used for optional Research Track or an optional HCI minor.



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