2024-05-16 16:53:25|已浏览:88次
伦敦大学亚非学院的《社会学与社工》硕士课程主要有这样几个专业:与中东相关的跨国同性恋女权主义政治文学硕士(MA Transnational Queer Feminist Politics with special reference to the Middle East)、劳动力、行动主义与发展理学硕士(MSc Labour, Activism and Development)、人道主义、援助与冲突理学硕士(MSc Humanitarianism, Aid and Conflict)、性别研究文学硕士(中东方向)(MA Gender Studies (Middle East Pathway))、全球未来和可持续发展人类学文学硕士(MA Anthropology of Global Futures and Sustainability)、食品人类学文学硕士(MA Anthropology of Food)、社会人类学文学硕士(MA Social Anthropology)。下边分别给大家介绍一下这几个专业。
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in gender studies、Gender theory and the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Dissertation Methods for Gender Studies、Queer Politics in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Transnationalising Queer, Trans and Disability Studies、Gender in the Middle East、Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East、Queering Migrations and Diasporas、Gender in the Middle East、Gender and Development、Historical Perspectives on Gender in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Genders and Sexualities in South East Asian Film、Judaism and Gender、Gender, Sexuality and Law: Theories and Methodologies、Gender, Sexuality and Law: Selected Topics
学制1年,学费21560英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Development Studies、Labour、Social Movements and Development、Theory、policy and practice of development、Political Economy of Development、Agrarian Development、Food Policy and Rural Poverty、Aid and Development、Approaches to International Development Research、Borders and Development、Development Practice、Environment、Governance and Development、Famine and food security、Gender and Development、Global Health and Development、Issues in Forced Migration、Migration and Policy
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Development Studies、Humanitarianism: Challenges & Critiques、Political economy of violence, conflict and development、Migration and Development、Agrarian Development, Food Policy and Rural Poverty、Aid and Development、(RID) Battlefields of Method: Approaches to International Development Research、Contemporary India: development challenges and perspectives、Critical Insights in Forced Migration、Fundamentals of research methods for Development Studies、Human and Critical Security Studies、Partnerships Beyond Borders: NGOs, Social Movements and Civil Society in Transnational Development、The Politics of Gender and Feminism in Development、Understanding Violence, Conflict and Development、Water Justice: Rights, Access and Movements (Development Studies)
学制1年,学费22840英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in gender studies、Gender theory and the study of Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Dissertation Methods for Gender Studies、Gender in the Middle East、Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East、Queering Migrations and Diasporas、Gender and Development、Historical Perspectives on Gender in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Queer Politics in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Judaism and Gender、Gender, Sexuality and the Law: Selected Topics、Culture and Society of China、Critical Perspectives on Palestine Studies I: History and Politics、Critical Perspectives on Palestine Studies II: Culture and Society、Violence, justice and the politics of memory
学制1年,学费21560英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Theoretical Approaches to Social Anthropology、Ethnographic Research Methods、Anthropology of Sustainability: Global Challenges and Alternative Futures、Issues in Anthropology and Climate Change、How to Change Things、Dissertation in Anthropology and Sociology
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Ethnographic Research Methods、Theoretical Approaches to Social Anthropology、Anthropology of Food: Politics, Place and Mobility、Anthropology of Food: Diet, Society and Environment、Dissertation in Anthropology and Sociology、African and Asian Diasporas in the Contemporary World: Cultures of Resistance and the Dissolution of Boundaries、Anthropology of Sustainability: Global Challenges and Alternative Futures、Directed Practical Study in the Anthropology of Food、Issues in Anthropology and Climate Change、Medical Anthropology: Global Perspectives、Agrarian Development, Food Policy and Rural Poverty、Gender and Development
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Comparative Studies of Society and Culture、Ethnographic Research Methods、Theoretical Approaches to Social Anthropology、African and Asian Diasporas in the Modern World、Issues in Anthropology of Media、Culture and Society of China、Issues in Anthropology and Film、Issues in Mind, Culture and Psychiatry、Issues in the Anthropology of Gender