2025-03-06 08:52:41|已浏览:40次
澳洲国立大学The Australian National University
Master of Design
Master of Digital Arts
Master of Visual Arts
墨尔本大学The University of Melbourne(*梁同学墨尔本大学景观建筑成功案例)
2D, 3D, 纯艺术专业全都有开设。
Bachelor of Design(建筑、平面设计、城市规划、景观建筑、舞台设计、空间设计、数字媒体设计都有)
Bachelor of Fine Arts(表演、动画、电影、剧本写作、视觉艺术都有)
Master of Architecture
Master of Landscape Architecture
Master of Urban Design
Master of Fine Arts(电影制作、电影电视、视觉艺术、舞台设计、电影制作、剧本写作、当代艺术等)
新南威尔士大学The University of New South Wales
Bachelor of Design(陶瓷、平面设计、交互媒体、珠宝设计、物品设计-家具和灯光、空间设计、纺织面料)
Bachelor of Fine Arts(绘画、交互媒体、油画、摄影、雕塑、装置艺术、材料设计、舞台装置)
Bachelor of Media Arts(动画、数字媒体、交互多媒体)
Bachelor of Architecture / Landscape Architecture, Urban Development and Design
Master of Architecture / Landscape Architecture, Urban Development and Design
Master of Design (User Experience, Interaction Design, Visual Effects-Animation, Film, Illustration, Furniture Making, Graphic Communication)
Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership
昆士兰大学The University of Queensland
Bachelor of Architecture Design
Master of Architecture
悉尼大学The University of Sydney
Bachelor of Design(学习内容为平面设计、视觉传达)
Bachelor of Fine Arts(纯艺术大融合:雕塑、摄影、灯光、陶瓷、玻璃等)
Master of Architecture
Master of Architecture Science(四个专业方向,声音、舞台建筑、照明设计、可持续设计)
莫纳什大学Monash University
Bachelor of Architectural Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts(以绘画为主)
Master of Design(包含交互设计、多媒体设计、协同设计、设计研究四个研究分支)
* 其中协同设计包含了室内、平面、工业设计的内容。
Master of Architecture
西澳大利亚大学The University of Western Australia
Bachelor of Architecture / Landscape Architecture
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Master of Architecture
Master of Urban Design
Master of Fine Arts
阿德莱德大学The University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Architectural Design
Bachelor of Media(包含CGI and Visual Effects, Game Art, Graphic Design, Photographic Imaging)
Master of Architecture
Master of Landscape Architecture
Master of Planning (Urban Design)