2021-12-21 12:02:59|已浏览:222次
事实上,很多时候是可以的,但也要看学校。本人整理了一些学校供大家参考。每个人在申请时,怕工院太难申请,想要曲线救国,在哪所学校可以使用,也就清楚了。当然,要注意的是,并非所有的学校都能做到这一点,要一次检查过去! 本文介绍布朗大学转专业的情况,其它院校会一一整理,供大家参考! 耶鲁大学 第一年不定专业也没事,第二年定好了。所以,也是随意的很! First-year students and declaring a major First-year students are not expected to declare a major during their first year on campus. A few may do so in their second term particularly students intending to major in a STEM field but doing so isn t required or expected, even for potential STEM majors. Advising for students who declare a major Once a student declares a major, the DUS or the DUS s designee becomes the student s official adviser, replacing the student s college adviser, since an undergraduate student may have only one adviser at a time. Students are especially encouraged to take this into consideration before declaring a major. Expectations What follows below are expectations for students intending to major in STEM and non-STEM fields, instructions on how to declare a major, and other useful information. if you are majoring in mathematics, a science or in engineering You are expected to declare your major during sophomore year, preferably in the fall term. if you are majoring in most other subjects You must declare your major no later than the start of your junior year. At that time the DUS of your major, or a designated departmental representative, becomes your faculty adviser and the person who reviews your course schedules in junior and senior years. 但是,如果想完成两个专业,还要同学校商量并且申请。 Two majors (double major) If you plan to complete the requirements of two majors, please talk with your residential college dean. Note that each major must be completed independently of the other, with no more than two term courses overlapping. You must petition the Committee on Honors and Academic Standing (CHAS) to be allowed to complete two majors. To do so, click on the Petition to Complete the Requirements of Two Majors, available on the University Registrar s Forms Petitions webpage. 有任何问题,可以咨询网站客服老师!环球教育留学,专注留学,语言培养24年,有丰富的留学经验,如果有留学计划,但不知道如何计划,可以在线咨询网站客服老师,预约留学顾问哦