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2021-12-21 12:03:43|已浏览:89次



P3 咖啡馆

# What kind of people would like to go to a caf ?

In this contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, due to this reason some people have less time to cook for themselves, such individuals are the primary customers of cafe. Apart from this, some persons go to cafes to break the monotony of their lives.

# Why do young people like studying in a cafe instead of at home?

The prominent reason for this is the atmosphere inside the cafe. Cafes offer a clean and serene environment which puts the young people in a state of flow. Another reason is there are fewer distractions at such places. Moreover, youngsters could find like-minded people at such places, which is not possible at home.

# Do old people like to drink coffee?

Although like youngsters, older people too love the taste of coffee, they take it in moderation to avoid sleep issues because coffee contains a lot of caffeine which disturbs our sleeping pattern.

# Do Chinese people like to drink coffee?Most of Chinese are die-hard tea fans, however, with the increasing number of cafes specializing in serving numerous varieties of coffee. A large number of people have started developing an interest in coffee.

#关于 咖啡 的词汇积累

instant coffee即溶咖啡

real coffee纯咖啡

Physical health 生理健康

low-carb 低碳水化合物


afternoon tea 下午茶点

coffee pot 咖啡壶

coffee cup 咖啡杯

cafeteria 咖啡厅自助餐厅


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