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12.19 KET考试试题回忆及答案解析!!!


2022-02-21 12:04:41|已浏览:195次

12.19 KET考试试题回忆及答案解析!!!为帮助各位小考生更好的进行考试备考,这里为大家分享一些真题及参考答案,供大家参考!环球教育针对KET也开设了专门的课程,如需专业老师指导,戳客服即可在线咨询!



1. 答案:C


2. 答案:B

解析:图中的短信写到Shall we go...? 这是在邀请Becca去一个新的咖啡厅。不是A选项的询问意见,也不是C选项描述这个咖啡厅。

3. 答案:A

解析:左边的Email提到如果需要项目帮助,午饭的时候去找Mr Potter。B选项说在午饭前必须交作业不对,应该是明天。文中没有提到C选项所说的可以申请更多的时间做项目。

4. 答案:B


5. 答案:B


6. 答案:A


Part 2

7. 答案:C

解析:谁正在存钱买自行车?C选项Mia提到自己的自行车旧了,现在正在帮爸妈收拾房子存钱买新的。A的Daisy已经存过钱买过新的自行车了,而题目is saving表示此刻正在存钱。

8. 答案:B


9. 答案:C


10. 答案:A

解析:谁从家人那儿借了一辆自行车?A选项Daisy说10岁的时候哥哥借给自己一辆自行车 When I was ten, he lent me his bike and taught me to ride. 。

11. 答案:A

解析:谁打算考一个骑行测试?选项A Daisy提到I want to get a cycling certificate.

12. 答案:C

解析:谁愿意骑快车?C Mia提到有一个小山坡,她总是和朋友比赛,I always win the race to the bottom,每次都赢说明她是骑得最快的。

13. 答案:A

解析:谁几乎天天骑车?A Daisy提到I cycle to school and to my friends house at weekends.

Part 3

14. 答案:A

解析:Carla如何评价自己家用的lorry?第一段提到Carla说这个lorry not very fast, which is OK . 所以选A 速度不快。C选项说和房子一样大小不对,原文是 看起来像轮子上的房子,除了更少的空间。

15. 答案:C

解析:姐妹们不去上学怎么学习?第二段提到 My mum gives us lessons,所以选C They are taught by their mother. 。

16. 答案:A

解析:Carla说Kalahari和其他沙漠的不同之处是什么?第三段提到not like other desert because it gets such a lot of rain.所以选A更加潮湿

17. 答案:B

解析:Carla觉得看鲸鱼的旅行怎么样?第四段最后提到couldn t believe how large. 所以选B惊讶于鲸鱼的尺寸。

18. 答案:C

解析:Carla觉得沙滩的鸟最有趣的地方是什么?第五段提到especially interested in how clever they were at keeping their babies safe. 所以选C 他们非常聪明。

Part 4

19. 答案:C

解析:后面一句话提到蓝鲸是largest 最大的,所以在说size。

20. 答案:C

解析:空格之前说大部分人没见过蓝鲸,后面说在电视或电影里。根据意思,C选项最符合,表示大部分人除了在电视或电影里,没有见过蓝鲸。A是如果,B是当 时候,与句意不符。

21. 答案:B

解析:根据后文的内容,是在说蓝鲸的一些实际情况,比如可以跟飞机一样大,心脏和小汽车一样重。这些都是关于蓝鲸的具体事实,所以选B facts。A选项为信息,C为新闻。A选项容易错选,但information是不可数名词,不能用there are many.

22. 答案:A

解析:这里是在举例说明,应该用词组for example.

23. 答案:C


24. 答案:B

解析:通过上下文得知,蓝鲸是用唱歌的声音和其他鲸鱼交流, 所以选B say to other whales 。A选项call也可以表达呼唤其他鲸鱼的意思,但call后面不能加to。C选项tell表示告诉,后也不加to。

Part 5

25. 答案:ARE

Are you free?你有空吗?

26. 答案:IT

It takes time to do sth. 花时间做某事。It 做形式主语。

27. 答案:DO

Do you think ? 你认为 怎么样?

28. 答案:TO

Need to do sth. 需要做某事。Need 后加to do不定式

29. 答案:IF

If you can come如果你能来。这里在询问对方是否可以来。

30. 答案:A

Have a lovely time. 度过一段愉快的时光。与have a good time类似。


Part 6

Your English friend Alex is going on holiday with his family in your country next month. Write an email to Alex.

In your email:

tell Alex the best place to visit

say what activities Alex can do there

say what Alex needs to take with him.

Write 25 words or more.


Hi Alex,

It s great that you are coming. Beijing, as the capital city of China, is certainly one of the perfect cities to visit for tourists. You can visit the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. And there is a lot of delicious food such as Beijing Roast Duck and dumplings. Don t forget to bring your camera. You can use it to take some beautiful pictures and share them with your friends.

See you soon,

(Student s name)

Writing Part 7

Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures.

Write 35 words or more.





One Sunday Jamie and his family went to the castle near their home. It was a lovely sunny day and they were enjoying a picnic in the middle of the castle. Suddenly it started raining, so they picked up all their things and went back home. They were very wet, but they felt happy.


Part 1

1. 答案:C

解析:为什么Kate 不能去聚会?音频中提到:I m playing in a concert which is more important . 所以选图片C 演奏小提琴。

2. 答案:A

解析:这个男孩最喜欢做什么?音频中提到:the train journey there was the best part. 所以选A乘火车看风景。

3. 答案:B

解析:Jason假日喜欢做什么运动?音频中提到:had to go sailing, brilliant! 所以选B 航海。

4. 答案:A

解析:他们打算如何烹饪鱼?音频中提到:Fried fish is faster and we don t have much time today. 所以选A 油炸鱼。

5. 答案:C

解析:此刻这艘船正在经过哪里?音频中提到:if you look out of the windows on your left, you can see the west tower. 所以选C塔。

Part 2

6. 答案:11.5

解析:Cost of trip旅行花费, 音频中提到:This trip isn t free, it costs eleven pounds fifty per student.

7. 答案:Sep.26th

解析:旅行日期。音频中提到:the twenty sixth of September is the date of the trip.

8. 答案:Raycott

解析:talk by 听谁的讲话, 音频中提到:you re going to listen to a talk by someone who studies the sea. Her name s Doctor Raycott.

9. 答案:changing

解析:Talk about谈论什么话题, 音频中提到:The talk s going to be about how the sea of south beach is changing.

10. 答案:hat

解析:Must bring 必须带什么, 音频中提到:But everyone needs to take a hat.

Part 3

11. 答案:A

解析:此刻这个俱乐部多久开一次会?音频中提到:It s every Friday. 所以选A Once a week.

12. 答案:A

解析:Matt 想让Gina 加入俱乐部的原因。音频中提到:We need people like you who can sing and play the piano well. 所以选A 她擅长音乐 。

13. 答案:B

解析:Gina觉得自己在舞台上的感觉如何?音频中提到:That s scary! Perhaps I might not remember what I have to say and people will laugh. 所以选B 害怕忘词 。

14. 答案:C

解析:Matt最喜欢theatre俱乐部的什么地方?音频中提到:best of all is being with people in the club. 所以选C 与其他成员快乐相处 。

15. 答案:C

解析:Gina接下来干啥?音频中提到:I d like to talk to Mr. Adams before I go to my first meeting. 所以选C 和老师谈谈 。

Part 4

16. 答案:B

解析:他为什么不想买?音频中提到:I might start doing hockey instead, or tennis. 所以选B 他对其他的运动感兴趣 。

17. 答案:C

解析:为什么这个男孩回家晚了?音频中提到:this morning, the teacher told me to borrow a book from the science section in the library. 所以选C 他去了图书馆 。

18. 答案:C

解析:这个店员觉得这个女孩该做什么?音频中提到:But it ll be best to visit our website and order one there. 所以选C 在网上看看 。

19. 答案:A

解析:为什么这个女孩喜欢这个TV节目?音频中提到:And I watch it because all the dancers are teenagers. 所以选A 是关于年轻人的 。

20. 答案:A

解析:这个男孩觉得这个商店怎么样?音频中提到:with those prices they ought to be nicer. 所以选A 特别贵 。

Part 5

21. 答案:F 做衣服

解析:gym 体育馆 音频中提到Let s go to the gym,然后又提到Isn t that where we can make a summer hat。

22. 答案:H 玩音乐

解析:library 图书馆,音频中提到图书馆的时候说到:Actually that s where we can sing songs with the school band,可以和学校的乐队唱歌。

23. 答案:G 做珠宝

解析:theatre 剧院 音频中提到剧院的时候说make silver earrings and ring to wear.制造一些银制的耳环和戒指。

24. 答案:A 制造家具

解析:hall 大厅 音频中提到hall的时候说made anything out of wood 木制品,后面又提到想去make a shelf 做一个架子。

25. 答案:D 玩游戏

解析:playground 操场 音频中that s where we can play chess 可以在操场下棋。





My name s ...

I m....

I m ... years old.

I live in ... (+ city)



参考答案:My best friend is ... She is always there for me when I need her. We both enjoy reading and listening to music.


参考答案:We often study together and do some sports at school. On the weekends, we sometimes go to the cinema and go shopping.


(Outdoor Activities):

图片:和朋友在骑自行车 和家人坐在车里 一起室外活动


参考词汇和句型:I like ... the best because...

I prefer .... because...

e.g. I like riding a bike with friends the best because I think it s relaxing. Riding a bike can also help us keep healthy.


Well, there are lots of things I can do if I m free. For instance, I sometimes stay at home to read books, or I ll go with my friends to do some outdoor activities such as playing football and running.



12.19 KET考试试题回忆及答案解析!!!


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