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爱必学 > 新闻资讯 > 外语培训 >  政府的钱在雅思写作中应该怎么花?



2022-07-13 13:35:42|已浏览:195次

In some countries, people can get a variety of food transported from other countries. Some people think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2022.4.9)

City planners have located schools, homes, shops, offices in specific areas which may be widely separated from each other. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(2022.4.23)

Nowadays, people spend more and more time away from their families. Why is this? What effect will it have on themselves and their families? (2022.4.30)

More and more people are using computers and electric devices to access information. Therefore, there is no need to print books, magazines, and newspapers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2022.4.16)

In many countries today, too much money is spent by the government and individuals on national celebration such as New Year and religious festivals. Why might this be the case? Is it a positive or negative trend?(2022.4.21)



In many countries today, too much money is spent by the government and individuals on national celebration such as New Year and religious festivals. Why might this be the case? Is it a positive or negative trend?(2022.4.21)




除此之外,由于题干还给了两个举例 newyearandreligiousfestivals,推荐同学们如果在文章中举例时也可以选择这两个举例。


圣诞节(Christmas);复活节(Easter);感恩节(ThanksgivingDay);古尔邦节(Corban Festival:古尔邦节是伊斯兰教的盛大节日)。



为了让我们的写作更加切题,题干中的 toomuch 也是我们不可回避的审题点。我们不仅仅在谈论政府和个人花钱庆祝节日,更重要是讨论 为什么政府和个人花了太多的钱(toomuchmoney)在节日庆祝上,以及花太多钱是好是坏 。注意到以这一点可以帮助我们在TR(即taskresponse,写作任务回应)上,取得更高的分数。

关于题干的最后一问 Isita positive or negative development? , 积极的方面和消极的方面都可以讨论,但需要有一个清晰的立场,即总体来说,是积极或消极的发展趋势。




Individuals 个人的原因:

内因:强烈的宗教信仰strong religious beliefe.g.:基督徒Christians庆祝圣诞节Christmas

外因:从众/追逐潮流chase the trend - 消费主义consumerism e.g.:New year - 人们跟风花钱庆祝


Government 政府的原因:


promote/preserve the traditional customs, to memorize the history


establish the multicultural/diverse image of the country; attract both domestic and foreign tourists.

BP3: (笔者给出两方面的影响,学生可以根据自己的需求选择一个清晰的立场)

积极影响:On the one hand- positiveeffects

- (政府)促进经济的发展boost the economy

因为政府在庆祝节日的时候会装饰城市decoration,举办庆祝活动activities或燃放烟花display fireworks等 创造更多的工作机会create job opportunities,并刺激消费boost consumption

-(个人)增强人际关系strengthen interpersonal relationships

消极影响:On the other hand- negativeeffects

- (政府+个人)可能会浪费钱财might be a waste of financial resources 没有足够的资金来应对其他的重要事件not enough money for other important issues for both the government and individuals;




Some people say government should give health care the first priorities, whileothers believe there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(政府应不应该投资医疗健康)

Some people think that governments should spend money on savinglanguages which have few users from dying out. Others think that it is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(政府应不应该保护小语种)

Some people think that the government should focus spending only on public services and not waste money on arts (e.g. music and painting). To what extent do you agree or disagree?(政府是否该只把投资放在公共服务上,而不投资艺术)

当我们在分析政府投资类话题时,我们要记住政府的财政收入主要来自与人们纳税taxation,且税收是有限的financialresourcesare limited, 因此如果政府主要投资某一个领域,则其他与人们生活的领域othersocialfieldscloselyassociatedwith people s quality of life的发展则会受限, 这些领域包括教育education,医疗health care,就业employment,环境environment,基础建设infrastructural和国家安全national security等等。所以政府应该合理/平衡分配税收wisely allocate national resources into all aspects of society。

即:政府的钱应该分配给每个领域,不能只花在一个领域;且每个领域的花费也不能只依赖政府(free education/museums free of charge),个人和企业都需参与(be run by profit-making companies/private health care/private organizations/private sponsors/private schools)。


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